
We are constantly on the lookout for adult volunteers to help out in local Scouting. If you want to get involved, please use the Find Out More link, to the right of this page, to contact us.

From time-to-time we will advertise here for volunteers to fill a specific roll.

Current Vacancies

Outline: Manage and lead the operation of the Section. In particular, the planning and delivery of the Balanced Programme, with the help of Assistant Section Leaders, Section Assistants, Young Leaders and members of Scout Active Support as appropriate. Some of the tasks for which the Section Leader is responsible may be delegated to others in the Section, including other Section Leaders, Assistant Section Leaders and Section Assistants.

Responsible to: Group Scout Leader

Responsible for: Young Leaders whilst they are working in the Section

Main Contacts: Young people, parents/carers, Assistant Leaders, Section Assistants, other Section Leaders within the Group, Group Scout Leader, Assistant District and County/Area Commissioners (Section), Explorer Scout Leader (Young Leaders), Young Leaders, Group Executive Committee members, sponsors of the Group.

Appointment requirements: Must successfully complete the appointment process (including acceptable personal enquiries and acceptance of The Scout Association's policies). During the five months of Provisional Appointment the relevant Getting Started modules must be completed. A Wood Badge must be completed within three years of Full Appointment, and ongoing safeguarding and safety training.

It's expected that whilst volunteering for this role you will undertake regulated activity.

Main Tasks

Delivery of a Balanced Programme:

  • Delivery of a safe, exciting and stimulating Balanced Programme for the Section taking into account the needs, interests and abilities of the young people.
  • Ensure the safe delivery of the programme in accordance with the Policy, Organisation and Rules of The Scout Association.
  • Ensure that every young person in the Section has the opportunity to attend at least one nights away experience each year.
  • Actively support and promote the achievement of badges and awards in particular the Chief Scouts’ Award.
  • Actively work with other adults in the Group to support and promote Group or multi-section activities and events.
  • Ensure regular opportunities are provided for young people to express their views on the programme and running on the Section, and that those views are taken into account (for example using Log Chews, Pack, Troop, Sixer or Patrol Leader forums, or any other method).
  • Actively co-operate with other section leaders to promote the Moving On from Section to Section.

Operation of the Section:

  • Work with the Group Scout Leader, the Group Executive Committee and others to support recruiting and inducting appropriate Assistant Leaders and Section Assistants.
  • Agree responsibilities with Assistant Section Leaders, Section Assistants and parent helpers taking into account the development of the individual’s leadership potential.
  • Ensure accurate records are kept of the young people in the Section in accordance with the Data Protection Act and pass these records to the Section Leader when the young person reaches the age to move up to the next Section.
  • Regularly review the operation of the Section.
  • Make and maintain good relationships with parents/carers of the young people. This may include running a parent rota and/or inviting parents to support camps or other residential experiences.

Wider Group tasks:

  • Follow the Group’s financial procedures which must be in accordance with POR.
  • Attend and contribute to relevant Group and District meetings. These may include meetings of the Group Council, the Group Executive Committee, Leaders’ meetings (at Group, District or County level), and AGMs.
  • Note: Section Leaders can sit on the Group Executive Committee by indicating their willingness to do so each year at the Group AGM.

Note: any other tasks are to be agreed with the Line Manager.

Outline: Support the operation of the Section. In particular, the planning and delivery of the Balanced Programme, with the help of other Section Leaders, Assistant Section Leaders, Section Assistants, Young Leaders and members of Scout Active Support as appropriate. Some of the tasks for which the Assistant Section Leader is responsible may be delegated to others in the Section, including other Section Leaders, Assistant Section Leaders and Section Assistants.

Responsible to: Group Scout Leader.

Main Contacts: Young People, parents/carers, Section Leaders, Section Assistants, other Assistant Section Leaders within the Group, Group Scout Leader, Assistant District and County/Area Commissioners (Section), Explorer Scout Leader (Young Leaders), Young Leaders, Group Executive Committee members, Sponsors of the Group.

Appointment Requirements: Must successfully complete the appointment process (including acceptable personal enquiries and acceptance of The Scout Association's policies). During the 5 months of Provisional Appointment the relevant Getting Started modules must be completed and a Wood Badge must be completed within three years of Full Appointment, as well as ongoing safeguarding and safety training.

It's expected that whilst volunteering for this role you will undertake regulated activity.

Main Tasks

Delivery of a Balanced Programme:

  • Support the delivery of a safe, exciting and stimulating Balanced Programme for the Section taking into account the needs, interests and abilities of the Young People.
  • Support the safe delivery of the programme in accordance with the Policy, Organisation and Rules of The Scout Association.
  • Ensuring that every young person in the Section has the opportunity to attend at least one night’s away experience each year.
  • Actively support and promote the achievement of badges and awards, in particular the Chief Scouts Award.
  • Actively work with other adults in the Group to support and promote Group or multi-section activities and events.
  • Agree how you can support the Section Leader to ensure regular opportunities are provided for young people to express their views on the programme and running on the Section, and that those views are taken into account (for example using Log Chews, Pack, Troop, Sixer or Patrol Leader forums, or any other method).
  • Actively support the Section Leaders to promote the Moving On from Section to Section.

Operation of the Section

  • Work with the Group Scout Leader, the Group Executive Committee and others to support recruiting and inducting appropriate Section Leaders, Assistant Leaders and Section Assistants.
  • Agree responsibilities with the Section Leader(s), Assistant Section Leader(s), Section Assistants and parent helpers taking into account the development of the individual’s leadership potential.
  • Ensure accurate records are kept of the Young People in the Section in accordance with the Data Protection Act and pass these records to the Section Leader when the Young Person reaches the age to move up to the next Section.
  • Regularly review the operation of the Section.
  • Make and maintain good relationships with parents/carers of the Young People. This may include running a parent rota and/or inviting parents to support camps or other residential experiences.

Wider Group tasks:

  • Follow the Group’s financial procedures which must be in accordance with POR.
  • Attend and contribute to relevant Group and District meetings. These may include meetings of the Group Council, Leaders’ meetings (at Group, District or County level), and AGMs.

Note: any other tasks are to be agreed with the Line Manager.

Outline: Support the operation of the Section. In particular, the planning and delivery of the Balanced Programme, with the help of other Section Leaders, Assistant Section Leaders, Section Assistants, Young Leaders and members of Scout Active Support as appropriate. Some of the tasks for which the Assistant Section Leader is responsible may be delegated to others in the Section, including other Section Leaders, Assistant Section Leaders and Section Assistants.

Responsible to: Group Scout Leader.

Main Contacts: Young People, parents/carers, Section Leaders, Section Assistants, other Assistant Section Leaders within the Group, Group Scout Leader, Assistant District and County/Area Commissioners (Section), Explorer Scout Leader (Young Leaders), Young Leaders, Group Executive Committee members, Sponsors of the Group.

Appointment Requirements: Must successfully complete the appointment process (including acceptable personal enquiries and acceptance of The Scout Association's policies). During the 5 months of Provisional Appointment the relevant Getting Started modules must be completed and a Wood Badge must be completed within three years of Full Appointment, as well as ongoing safeguarding and safety training.

It's expected that whilst volunteering for this role you will undertake regulated activity.

Main Tasks

Delivery of a Balanced Programme:

  • Support the delivery of a safe, exciting and stimulating Balanced Programme for the Section taking into account the needs, interests and abilities of the Young People.
  • Support the safe delivery of the programme in accordance with the Policy, Organisation and Rules of The Scout Association.
  • Ensuring that every young person in the Section has the opportunity to attend at least one night’s away experience each year.
  • Actively support and promote the achievement of badges and awards, in particular the Chief Scouts Award.
  • Actively work with other adults in the Group to support and promote Group or multi-section activities and events.
  • Agree how you can support the Section Leader to ensure regular opportunities are provided for young people to express their views on the programme and running on the Section, and that those views are taken into account (for example using Log Chews, Pack, Troop, Sixer or Patrol Leader forums, or any other method).
  • Actively support the Section Leaders to promote the Moving On from Section to Section.

Operation of the Section

  • Work with the Group Scout Leader, the Group Executive Committee and others to support recruiting and inducting appropriate Section Leaders, Assistant Leaders and Section Assistants.
  • Agree responsibilities with the Section Leader(s), Assistant Section Leader(s), Section Assistants and parent helpers taking into account the development of the individual’s leadership potential.
  • Ensure accurate records are kept of the Young People in the Section in accordance with the Data Protection Act and pass these records to the Section Leader when the Young Person reaches the age to move up to the next Section.
  • Regularly review the operation of the Section.
  • Make and maintain good relationships with parents/carers of the Young People. This may include running a parent rota and/or inviting parents to support camps or other residential experiences.

Wider Group tasks:

  • Follow the Group’s financial procedures which must be in accordance with POR.
  • Attend and contribute to relevant Group and District meetings. These may include meetings of the Group Council, Leaders’ meetings (at Group, District or County level), and AGMs.

Note: any other tasks are to be agreed with the Line Manager.

Outline: Support the operation of the Section. In particular, the planning and delivery of the Balanced Programme, with the help of other Section Leaders, Assistant Section Leaders, Section Assistants, Young Leaders and members of Scout Active Support as appropriate. Some of the tasks for which the Assistant Section Leader is responsible may be delegated to others in the Section, including other Section Leaders, Assistant Section Leaders and Section Assistants.

Responsible to: Group Scout Leader.

Main Contacts: Young People, parents/carers, Section Leaders, Section Assistants, other Assistant Section Leaders within the Group, Group Scout Leader, Assistant District and County/Area Commissioners (Section), Explorer Scout Leader (Young Leaders), Young Leaders, Group Executive Committee members, Sponsors of the Group.

Appointment Requirements: Must successfully complete the appointment process (including acceptable personal enquiries and acceptance of The Scout Association's policies). During the 5 months of Provisional Appointment the relevant Getting Started modules must be completed and a Wood Badge must be completed within three years of Full Appointment, as well as ongoing safeguarding and safety training.

It's expected that whilst volunteering for this role you will undertake regulated activity.

Main Tasks

Delivery of a Balanced Programme:

  • Support the delivery of a safe, exciting and stimulating Balanced Programme for the Section taking into account the needs, interests and abilities of the Young People.
  • Support the safe delivery of the programme in accordance with the Policy, Organisation and Rules of The Scout Association.
  • Ensuring that every young person in the Section has the opportunity to attend at least one night’s away experience each year.
  • Actively support and promote the achievement of badges and awards, in particular the Chief Scouts Award.
  • Actively work with other adults in the Group to support and promote Group or multi-section activities and events.
  • Agree how you can support the Section Leader to ensure regular opportunities are provided for young people to express their views on the programme and running on the Section, and that those views are taken into account (for example using Log Chews, Pack, Troop, Sixer or Patrol Leader forums, or any other method).
  • Actively support the Section Leaders to promote the Moving On from Section to Section.

Operation of the Section

  • Work with the Group Scout Leader, the Group Executive Committee and others to support recruiting and inducting appropriate Section Leaders, Assistant Leaders and Section Assistants.
  • Agree responsibilities with the Section Leader(s), Assistant Section Leader(s), Section Assistants and parent helpers taking into account the development of the individual’s leadership potential.
  • Ensure accurate records are kept of the Young People in the Section in accordance with the Data Protection Act and pass these records to the Section Leader when the Young Person reaches the age to move up to the next Section.
  • Regularly review the operation of the Section.
  • Make and maintain good relationships with parents/carers of the Young People. This may include running a parent rota and/or inviting parents to support camps or other residential experiences.

Wider Group tasks:

  • Follow the Group’s financial procedures which must be in accordance with POR.
  • Attend and contribute to relevant Group and District meetings. These may include meetings of the Group Council, Leaders’ meetings (at Group, District or County level), and AGMs.

Note: any other tasks are to be agreed with the Line Manager.

Outline: Support the operation of the Section. In particular, assisting to provide and develop quality Explorer Scouting and the planning and delivery of the Balanced Programme, with the help of other Section Leaders, Assistant Section Leaders, Section Assistants, Young Leaders and members of Scout Active Support as appropriate. Some of the tasks for which the Assistant Section Leader is responsible may be delegated to others in the Section, including other Section Leaders, Assistant Section Leaders and Section Assistants.

Responsible to: District Explorer Scout Commissioner.

Main Contacts: Explorer Scouts, parents/carers of Explorer Scouts, District Explorer Scout Commissioner, District Explorer Scout Administrator, Assistant Explorer Scout Leaders, Section Assistants, Assistant County Commissioner (Explorer Scouts), Group Scout Leaders, Scout Leaders, County Scout Network Commissioner, Explorer Scout Leader (Young Leader).

Appointment requirements: Must successfully complete the appointment process (including acceptable personal enquiries and acceptance of The Scout Association's policies). During the five months of Provisional Appointment the relevant Getting Started modules must be completed. A Wood Badge must be completed within three years of Full Appointment, and ongoing safeguarding and safety training completed as required.

It's expected that whilst volunteering for this role you will undertake regulated activity.

Main Tasks

Delivery of a Balanced Programme:

  • Support the delivery of a safe, exciting and stimulating Balanced Programme for the Explorer Scout Section taking into account the needs, interests and abilities of the Explorer Scouts.
  • Support the safe delivery of the programme in accordance with the Policy, Organisation and Rules of The Scout Association.
  • Support the Explorer Scout Leader in ensuring that every Explorer Scout in the Unit has the opportunity to attend at least one night’s away experience each year.
  • Actively support and promote the achievement of badges and awards, in particular Platinum and Diamond Chief Scout’s Awards, the Queen’s Scout Award, Explorer Belt and the Duke of Edinburgh’s
    Award Scheme.
  • Actively co-operate with others at Group, District and County level to promote the Moving On Awards. This includes young people moving from the Scout Section to the Explorer Scout Section; or from the Explorer Scout Section to the Scout Network. This also includes promoting all options available to people within Scouting when reaching 18. These include Scout Network membership, Scout Active Support membership, and the full variety of adult appointments.
  • Actively work with other adults in the District, or with Groups, to support and promote District or multisection activities and events
    Support the Explorer Scout Leader to ensure that every member of the Unit has the opportunity to participate in all Explorer Scout activities within the District.
  • Support the Explorer Scout Leader to ensure that those Explorer Scouts who want the opportunity to participate in the Young Leaders’ Scheme can do so.
  • Support the Explorer Scout Leader to ensure that all Explorer Scouts have input into the programme and the running of the Unit and are able to review it. This may be through the use of a Unit or District Forum, or through other suitable methods.

Operation of the Section:

  • Work with the Explorer Scout Leader, District Explorer Scout Commissioner and others to support recruiting and inducting appropriate Assistant Explorer Scout Leaders and Section Assistants.
  • Ensure accurate records are kept of the young people in the Section in accordance with the Data Protection Act and pass these records to the County Scout Network Administrator when the Explorer
    Scout reaches the age of 17 or prior to moving to the Scout Network.
  • Regularly review the operation of the Unit and contribute to the review of the District programme.
  • Make and maintain good relationships with parents/carers of the Explorer Scouts.

Wider District Tasks:

  • Follow the District’s financial procedures which must be in accordance with POR.
  • Attend and contribute to relevant District and County meetings. These may include meetings of the District and Scout Council, District Explorer Scout Planning Forum and District Explorer Scout Meeting, and other meetings of leaders at District and County level.
  • If the Explorer Scout Unit has a partnership agreement with a Scout Group, attend and contribute to relevant Group meetings. These may include meetings on the Group (Council(s).
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1st Boreham Scout Group

Boreham Scout & Guide HQ, Main Road, Boreham, Chelmsford, Essex, CM3 3JD

Material on this website has been reproduced by permission of The Scout Association
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